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Get Cloudflare and increse your website page speed

Many blog and site owners will be looking to make your site load faster.
Most of them have sites in companies that provide shared hosting and some others have cheap Vps or dedicated servers which when you start uploading a lot of stuff and have a lot of traffic just crasharoun.

This is exactly where Cloudflare comes in Cloudflare is a feature rich CDN.

It caches on its servers all the static elements of a site and thus accelerates the increase in loading speed of a site. It has cloud datacenters all over the world and thus routes the traffic of a site to the closest datacenter of the visitor. Another good thing is the protection it provides against malicious attacks on a site. It has the ability to recognize the good visitor from the bad visitor.

How to setup Cloudflare CDN on Blogger for Free? | ( Improve page speed & security )

Also by using cloudflare you reduce bandwidth consumption on your server as well as resources.
It is a completely free service and also has PRO services for the most demanding users.
Also watch a video to understand how it works

It is easy to install and easy to use. It is available for all popular platforms WordPress, Joomla, Drupal and for any type of website. I used it on a cartload of my own and my clients' sites and saw an impressive change in the loading speed of the web pages. I highly recommend it.To register and start using the service immediately click on the link below.

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Links: You can download the best WordPress Woocommerce templates HERE

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