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How do I embed display RSS feeds with photos images to my website blog using code and not external paid embed tools?

To display an RSS feed with images on your website, you will need to use a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Here's an example of how you can do this using the jQuery library:

  1. Include the jQuery library in the head section of your HTML file:
  1. <script src=""></script> 

2. Add a container element to your HTML where you want the RSS feed to be displayed:

  1. <div id="rss-feed"></div> 

3. Add the following JavaScript code to your HTML file to retrieve the RSS feed and display it in the container element:

  1. $(document).ready(function() { 
  2. // Replace '' with the URL of your RSS feed 
  3. $.get('', function(data) { 
  4. var $xml = $(data); 
  5. $xml.find("item").each(function() { 
  6. var $this = $(this), 
  7. item = { 
  8. title: $this.find("title").text(), 
  9. link: $this.find("link").text(), 
  10. description: $this.find("description").text(), 
  11. pubDate: $this.find("pubDate").text(), 
  12. // Replace 'media:content' with the element that contains the image URL in your RSS feed 
  13. image: $this.find("media\\:content, content\\:encoded").text() 
  14. } 
  15. // Append the RSS feed item to the container element 
  16. $('#rss-feed').append( 
  17. '<a href="''" target="_blank"><img src="'+item.image+'" alt="'+item.title+'" /></a>' 
  18. ); 
  19. }); 
  20. }); 
  21. }); 

This code retrieves the RSS feed using the jQuery get function and parses the XML data using the find function. It then iterates through each item in the feed and extracts the title, link, description, publication date, and image URL. Finally, it appends the image to the container element as a link to the original article.

You can customize the layout and styling of the feed using CSS. For example, you could add the following styles to your CSS file to center the images and add some padding:

  1. #rss-feed img { 
  2. display: block; 
  3. margin: 0 auto; 
  4. padding: 10px; 
  5. } 

Note that this is just one example of how you can display an RSS feed with images on your website. There are many other ways to achieve this using different programming languages and libraries.

Web Feed Implementations Across CMSs and Static Site Generators

Many CMSs and static site generators support web feeds, though it’s usually RSS as it has the widest support. Here are some CMSs that support web feeds:

And here’s some resources on adding web feeds (again mostly RSS) to various static site generators

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